eSagu RePricing for eBay "CSV-file format"
With our CSV-data, you can access your data record quickly and effectively. You can update your prices on eSagu and eBay simultaneously.
Click on "CSV FILES" option in the menu (on the left) to customize your CSV-template.
E.g. You can create a template named "price rules" with the columns SKU, MIN_PRICE and MAX_PRICE.
We recommend you use the freeware OpenOffice / LibreOffice for editing the CSV-files. Select Encoding: UTF8 and Delimiter: semicolon. Ensure that you save the prices with two decimal places. You can use a comma(12,34), point (12.34) or no separator (1234).
If you edit your CSV-File on Microsoft Excel, ensure that all columns are formatted as "text". Otherwise, the following errors might occur:
SKU "0110" Microsoft Excel omits the leading zero which creates a new, unrecognizable SKU number "110".
A price of 10.10 could be interpreted by Excel as a date like "10th Oct.".
Below you will find a table with all selectable columns and their description.
You can email us any time on if you have any questions concerning the CSV files and if you need help editing them.
Editable columns
Column | Description |
ITEM_ID | The ITEM_ID is an assigned sequence of numbers to identify specific products. The ITEM_ID is assigned by ebay for your current listing. After resetting your listing will receive a new ITEM_ID. Our system uses the ITEM_ID to identify your products and their variants. Important: The ITEM_id is a mandatory specification. If your article has no SKU, the ITEM_ID is sufficient for identification. |
SKU | The SKU is an associated string to identify a particular product. The SKU may only be used once per ebay SITE for each listed product and may have a maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters. Important: The SKU is a mandatory specification for all variant types and articles for which a SKU has been assigned. |
MIN_PRICE | The minimum price determines the lowest price below which eSagu RePricing cannot/will not set your selling price, regardless of which price the competitor uses. So it is your decision at what price you want to sell your products. Important: For optimization, the fixed price must be within the minimum and maximum price. The minimum price must have two decimal places. |
MAX_PRICE | The maximum price determines the upper price limit above which eSagu RePricing cannot/will not set your selling price regardless of which price the competitor uses. So it is your decision at what price you want to sell your products. Important: For optimization, the fixed price must be within the minimum and maximum price. The maximum price must have two decimal places. |
FIXED_PRICE | With the fixed price the optimization is ignored, the products are offered at your fixed price. Important: In order to be able to offer your products at a fixed price, they must be within the minimum and maximum price. The fixed price must have two decimal places. |
PRICE_MODE | The price option determines how your products behave during optimization. You have several options to choose from: OPTIMIZATION – Selected products are optimized on the basis of competitor information and the minimum and maximum prices you set. In our software this option is displayed as "Optimization: By Rank". OPTIMIZATION_BEST_VISIBILITY – Selected products are optimized on the basis of competitor information and the minimum and maximum prices you set. In addition, competitors are reduced to 5 and sorted by price to give you the best visibility at the best price. In our software this option is displayed as "Optimization: By Price". FIXED_PRICE – Selected products are offered at your fixed price. CUSTOM_CODE – Selected products are optimized according to your CustomCodes. DISABLED – Selected products are marked with the status "Disabled". There is no price adjustment in this case. |
PRICE_GAPS_NAME | The selected "price gap rule" determines which strategy the optimization should follow. Here you can choose between overbidding, equalising or underbidding. Important: In order to optimize your selected products, you must choose a price gap rule with the corresponding rule name. |
The selected "CustomCode" determines which CustomCode is used for the chosen products. Important: In order to optimize your selected products with the CustomCode, a "CustomCode" with the respective name must be selected. |
Additional data can be used by the CustomCode for optimization. Important: The length of the payload is limited to 140 characters. |
The selected "FindingApiFilterName" specifies which search filter is used for the selected "EbayFindingApiOperation". Important: In order for your selected products to be filtered, an existing "search filter" with the respective name must be selected. |
The selected "BrowseApiFilterName" specifies which search filter is used for the search of article. Important: In order for your selected products to be filtered, an existing "search filter" with the respective name must be selected. |
Using the "EbayFindingApiOperation" you decide how we find your competition articles You can choose: FIND_ITEMS_ADVANCED – Specify an additional keyword in the field "EBAY_PRODUCT_SEARCH_TERM" to search for articles with the same keyword. FIND_ITEMS_BY_KEYWORDS – Specify an additional keyword in the field "EBAY_PRODUCT_SEARCH_TERM" to search for articles with the same keyword. FIND_ITEMS_BY_PRODUCT – Specify in addition EAN, UPC, ISBN or ReferenceId in the field "EBAY_PRODUCT_SEARCH_ID_TYPE" and a suitable "EBAY_PRODUCT_SEARCH_TERM" in order to RePrice selectively. Important: Depending on the operation, the corresponding fields are mandatory. |
The selected "EbayProductSearchIdType" specifies the type of product identification you want to use to find articles against which RePriced. Important: Required for: FIND_ITEMS_BY_PRODUCT. You can choose between: EAN, UPC, ISBN or REFERENCE_ID. |
The search term used to find items that are optimized against. Important: The search term is always required if you want to change the "EbayFindingApiOperation". |
Info columns
Column | Description |
TITLE | Your product name for a specific product. The title is not used by eSagu or ebay for identification purposes. Important: ebay only passes the first 100 characters of the title to us. |
OPTIMIZED_PRICE | The "Optimized Price" informs you which price we send to ebay last or up to date. |
CURRENT_PRICE | The current ebay online price including shipping costs, as it is currently available on ebay for this product. |
INITIAL_PRICE | The initial price was read by eSagu RePricing at the first start of the software. It can be used to set your minimum and maximum prices automatically. |
QUANTITY | The "Quantity" displays the current information about the initial quantity for each product. |
QUANTITY_SOLD | The "Sold Quantity" shows you how many of the total stock you have already sold for this item. |
SHIPPING_COSTS | The "Shipping costs" will show you your shipping costs defined as the primary shipping costs. |
OFFER_COUNT | In the column "Offer Count" you can see how many competitors are facing you in this offer. |
VARIATION_TYPE | The variation type of the article. An article must always be of type NONE, PARENT or CHILD. Important: You can change a PARENT in our system, but changes will not be sent to ebay because parent articles cannot be sold. |
START_TIME | The start time of the offer of your article. Important: This information is only available if the article is of the type "Scheduled Listing". |
END_TIME | The end time of the offer of your article. Important: This information is only available if the article is of the type "Scheduled Listing". |
ITEM_URL | The link to the offer of your article on ebay. |
SITE | The Ebay country to the article. |
The ebay product ID of your article. |
The type of product ID of your article. Important: EAN , ISBN or REFERENCE_ID . |
RELIST_PARENT_ID | The RelistParentId of your article. |
LISTING_TYPE | The type of offer of the item (auction or fixed price). |
The ID of the primary ebay category. |
The name of the primary ebay category. Important: This information is only available if the category ID exists in the current ebay category tree. |
Parents category ID of the primary ebay category. Important: Root categories have no parent category. This information is only available if the category ID exists in the current ebay category tree. |
The depth of the primary ebay category, the maximum depth is 6. Important: Root categories have a depth of 1 and this information is only available if the category ID exists in the current ebay category tree. |
The ID of the secondary ebay category. |
The name of the secondary ebay category. Important: This information is only available if the category ID exists in the current ebay category tree. |
The Parents Category ID of the secondary ebay category. Important: Root categories have no parent category. This information is only available if the category ID exists in the current ebay category tree. |
The depth of the secondary ebay category, the maximum depth is 6. Important: Root categories have a depth of 1 and this information is only available if the category ID exists in the current ebay category tree. |
ITEM_SPECIFICS | This column contains the ebay article features. |
VARIATION_SPECIFICS | This column contains the ebay variant characteristics. |
SEARCH_RANK | Shows the position of your article within the search results of ebay. |
TOTAL_ENTRIES | Displays the total number of search results based on your search criteria. |
SEARCH_TERM_SOURCE | Specifies how the search term stored under EBAY_PRODUCT_SEARCH_TERM was created. MANUAL – This search term was edited manually in our software. CSV – This search term was adjusted via a CSV import. AUTO_GENERATED_ITEM_SPECS – This search term was created from the item specs. AUTO_GENERATED_TITLE – This search term was created from the titles. AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_ID – The product ID is used as a search term. UNKNOWN – This search term was created before the introduction of the SEARCH_TERM_SOURCE column. |
HIT_COUNT | Contains the page views of the article on ebay, therefore the "hit counter" must be active for this offer. |
ESAGU_ITEM_ID | Contains our item ID and can be used in conjunction with our REST API. |
Sales of this article in the past seven days (excluding today). |
Sales of this article in the past fourteen days (excluding today). |
Sales of this article in the past thirty days (excluding today). |
Common errors
Error | Description |
Number formatting not clear | When you get this error you need to check your min, max and fixed prices. The prices need to be formatted by number and double decimal. Another reason could be the delimiter of your CSV file. The CSV file separator of eSagu is a semicolon! |
Double Item IDs/SKUs found | Since Item IDs/SKUs is our identifier for the products. You cannot upload a file with the same Item ID/SKU listed more than once. In order to remove the duplicates in Microsoft Excel follow the steps: Select the SKUs column (for ex: Coulmn A) From the Home Menue, click on Conditional formatting > Highlight cell Rules > Duplicate Values and select OK on the dialog box. This was any Item IDs/SKUs that are duplicates will be highlighted, and you can easily remove them or change them accordingly. |
File is corrupted | If this error occurs, that means that some of the column’s title is not in accordance with the eSagu CSV Format. |
Skipped | If you upload the same file two or more times, eSagu will skip the upload. Therefore, make sure that the content of the file is different from the content of the previous upload. |
No Item ID found | If there are Item IDs in the file that are unknown to our system, this error may occur. This can happen e.g. an inactive listing. However, the system will update prices for all other active products. |
Download error | We could not download your CSV file. Is the URL correct, please check once in your browser. If authentication is used, are the username and password are present in the URL? * Are our servers triggered a bot protection when downloading? |
Please note, eSagu does not take any responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information/data received from ebay.
Example CSV files
Here are a few sample files that might be helpful to you: